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About Us

Matt Newsom has 30 years of experience in product sourcing, production, packaging and fulfillment. He started in the late 1980s producing newsletters for sports coaches (printed and mailed!) and quickly added books, videos and DVDs.  Now he was managed the shipping of 500,000+ packages in the past 8 years for high-affinity partners like the NASCAR Members Club, Turner Classic Movies, This Old House, Let Me Run, and Hot Rod.

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We utilize integrations with Endicia, Dymo, ShipStation, PirateShip and TradeGecko for efficiency and optimized shipping/mailing costs through preferred relationships with USPS, UPS and Fedex.   We have a deep pool of reliable and experienced fulfillment specialists for personalized service.  They take great pride in their work and treat your customers like their own.

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Why the name? 



We love working with high-“affinity” partners who have passionate customers.  



Marathons are 26.2 miles! And business is a marathon, not a sprint!

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